Muscular System

Muscular System

Muscular System

The muscular system gives us the ability to move and perform activities. The tabernacle was portable, or moved from place to place, unlike the temple which was stationary. 

Yahweh Elohim became Adam (in part) by “wrapping himself in a coat of flesh.” Similarly, the muscular system appears as being wrapped upon the skeletal system. 

The muscles are attached to the bones and other muscles by ligaments and tendons. 

These correlate to the ropes the children of Israel used when raising and securing the fence or wall surrounding the tabernacle when they settled at a location. 

Muscular action takes place in 3 phases: contraction, release and relaxed, which correlate with the death, burial and resurrection of Yahshua the Messiah. 

Muscular power comes from the contracted state, just as Yahshua demonstrated his power by resurrecting from the dead. 

We want to know him in the power of his resurrection in us! (understanding) 

"Do You Not Know That Your Body is a Temple of the Holy Spirit, Who is in You, Whom You Have Received From God?" - 1 Corinthians 6:19

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