Skeletal System

Skeletal System

Skeletal System

The skeletal system is the longest lasting and most permanent of all the 9 major systems, and it portrays our inner man or spirit body. We see coverings of the tabernacle placed over the framework of wooden supports in the form of bars, pillars and boards. 

The pillars correlate to the large straight bones in our bodies, such as the femur and humerus. The boards are homologous to the flat bones, such as the skull, scapula and pubic girdle. 

The base of the tabernacle lines up to bones such as the ribs, ulna and tibia. The framework of the tabernacle was connected by joints and sockets without any nails, just as our bones are connected by joints and sockets.

The clavicle and vertebral column form a skeletal cross from which our flesh is “hung,” proving our savior was “hung” or crucified on a cross. When we are born we have 33 spinal vertebrae which lines up with the 33 years the Messiah lived in the flesh. 

The sphenoid bone, located at the base of the brain, is a witness in our body to the wings of the cherubim which overshadowed the mercy seat. The top of this bone is the Sella turcica which houses the pituitary gland, which correlates to the tables of stone on which were written the ten commandments which were placed within the ark of the covenant. The pelvis, which means basin, is comprised of 3 bones: the ileum, the ischium and pubis which are fused together, just as Yahweh exists simultaneously as the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and these three are one.

When the Children of Israel were released from bondage, the patriarch Joseph commanded that his bones be taken from Egypt and buried in Canaan’s Land. This showed forth in a type that his inner man (soul) would migrate from an earthly existence and be permanently placed in heaven, of which Canaan’s Land was a type. 

The prophesy stated that when the Messiah was offered up (crucified) not a bone of his body would be broken (*scripture), signifying that the scriptures, or word of Yahweh, could not be broken. The sacrificial animals which were offered up under the law were taken apart by their joints and sockets and their bones were not broken. (Lev. 22:19-22)

The 10 fingers (phalanges) in man’s two hands “come down” from the shoulders, just as the ten-commandment law came down from the mount. The 10 toes in man’s feet line up with the ten plagues down in Egypt. The first set of a child’s milk teeth correlate with the first covenant with Israel, and the permanent second set of teeth correlate with the second (everlasting) covenant Yahweh made with Israel (Jer. 31:31-33). 

The 12 ribs on the left side of our skeletal system correlate with the 12 tribes of Israel, and the 12 ribs on the right with the 12 apostles. In Revelation (scripture) the 24 elders were gathered up around the throne, just as the ribs are gathered up (connected to) the vertebral column, figurative of Yahshua the Messiah.

"Do You Not Know That Your Body is a Temple of the Holy Spirit, Who is in You, Whom You Have Received From God?" - 1 Corinthians 6:19

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